Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The theme of the day appears to be the five. So let’s extend it a little….


Remember Legos? Of course you do. I built houses, bridges, tunnels, airports and sports stadiums with mine. With the bridges especially, I needed to have a strong foundation on the bases or the bridge would collapse.


So, what is my foundation built on? I’ll give you five guesses.


A note on foundations. Look at a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, a beautiful Art-Deco masterpiece. Can’t see the foundation, can you? It’s there, deep under the water, holding up the structure.


With me, the big five bubble, swirl, flow, tingle inside. They come out to play. Just like the towers and cables on the Golden Gate.


And like the heavy bands of steel that carry the road deck, my cables can carry any load.




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