Thursday, February 14, 2008

A rant, a vent, a rage

We interrupt this message of love and heart soul for an urgent bulletin…

I’m not happy.

As a matter of fact, I am seething.

A (female) friend of mine got flowers from a (male) friend today. I know what you’re thinking—it’s Valentine’s day, you chucklehead. But the guy days earlier had sent her a nasty note, and she wanted a week where they didn’t speak (no, they aren’t dating—it’s a long story). She didn’t want the flowers, but it was too late—they were on the way. And the note with the flowers did not contain an apology.

Look, I stand before you naked. I have made brain-dead mistakes with women—cases of not thinking before acting. I’ve recognized my mistakes, and I apologized for them. I want to be better for myself, better for others. I’ve never sent a nasty note to a woman. Never. But what boils my blood is the reaction of the woman’s other male friends, who say basically she should take the flowers and just get over it. What am I missing here? What am I missing? Why am I wired so damned differently from every other guy? No woman wants to be treated like that. Right?

Admittedly, I’m a nice guy. Do I have be a jerk to land a woman? What is it going to take?

It all makes me angry enough to cry.

I want to be better for someone else. There, I said it. If that makes me different from everyone else, then I’m different.

And now, back to regularly scheduled programming, already in progress.

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