Friday, July 27, 2007

Clarity and the driver

There comes a moment--mostly fleeting--where everything comes together. The look, the feel, the sound fit like a jigsaw puzzle. And when the moment comes, you don't throw a parade, or shoot off fireworks. You simply note the moment inside, for future reference.

I spent about 20 minutes hitting golf balls this morning. I'm not a golfer, but it's good exercise and a good release. The first few balls were being sprayed all over the driving range. Then I started hitting a few straight and long. I wasn't really trying hard, just seeing the ball, then striking it. The moment of clarity then came--The way the club felt as it struck the ball, the sound it made, how straight it flew. And the precise moment when I hit the ball felt right. Everything in its right and proper place. The moment didn't last long--maybe a second or so. But went it came, there was no mistaking what was happening.

There is the temptation to want to bottle the moment, as if it will not happen again. That's the wrong attitude to take. That sort of moment will come again. Maybe not on a driving range, but somewhere. The key is to be open to allowing the moment to happen.

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