Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Digging in the dirt

A friend passed along a newsletter from here yesterday. It contained a great story called "The Aquifer". There was a settlement by a creek, and every year, the creek ran more and more dry, leading to much fighting among the people. Eventually, the settlement was abandoned, only to be found later by explorers. They wondered why there was no one left, especially since the settlement sat over an aquifer. All the people had to do was dig a well, tap the aquifer, and their water problems would have been solved.

The reservoirs of talent, passion, desire, happiness all reside inside of us. We need to know that it exists. It's there. There's no fear in abundance. But how do you tap into that reservoir? The newsletter suggests prayer, meditation. A quiet place, a quiet moment. And you'll sink into yourself, down the well, and into the aquifer. Then you can have, or begin to have, what you truly desire.

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