Monday, March 24, 2008

Small sacrifice, greater reward

I was home one Christmas, and my mom gave me a blue fleece pullover. I wasn't expecting it, or anything, from her. Not because we are on bad terms--that's hardly the case.

This is the reason. My mom works very hard. She has a small house and a teenage son to take care of. By herself.

I'm ok. I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, clothes on my back and a good job. My basic needs are taken care of.

I want my mom to worry about her needs, my brother's needs. I don't want her to take away from her needs. But she did, and she does.

It's a small thing, that blue fleece pullover. But it represents so much. It shows how much my mom loves me and gives to me. She gave up a little bit to keep her oldest son warm.

This is what mothers do.

Is there any wonder why I want to emulate that? I want to be that loving, that ready to give and to sacrifice great and small.

I still wear that blue fleece pullover.

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