Sunday, March 9, 2008

Meditate with me

Sit down. Turn off the computer. Turn off the TV.

Now, I take off my glasses, and close my eyes. Relax. Palms facing up.

Be still. Let the thoughts rolling in my head, roll. They will drift away soon.

Be still. Listen to the sound of the howling wind outside. Listen to the plane flying overheard. Listen to the young voices running outside my door.

Be still. Feel the beating of my heart. Feel the blood coursing throughout my body.

Be still. Feel that mysterious, but known pulse ride from my legs through my body.

Be still. Breathe in deeply. Draw the world, the universe, into my body and my soul.

Be still. Exhale slowly. Feel my body and my soul spread roots deep into the earth. Feel my body and soul spread its wings like a majestic bird.

Be still. Feel the light of the sun warm and nourish my soul. Feel the stars, though unseen, shine upon me.

Be still. Feel my stillness. Feel my energy.

Be still.


Om mani padme hum.

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