Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I am greedy.

I want more.

More, more, more....


The stuff you can't buy.

The stuff you can buy is cool. I want one of these. I have one of these. I like these.

I'm watching the news now, a segment on plastic surgery, and how (relatively) inexpensive it is becoming. People use the tangible (a nip, a tuck) to make the bridge to the intangible (changing the way they feel about feel about themselves). That's cool. I do it.

Ah but...

Is it sustainable? Can you always turn to a surgeon, a car, an iPhone for true sustenance, true nourishment?

Can you? ;-)

My aim is always for spiritual fulfillment. To become the best I can. The wholeness of me, so I can be the best I can for someone else. Ultimately, I want to turn to myself, and someone special, for that sustenance. I want that deep, spiritual, emotional nourishment, that sustenance. More than a phone or a car.

And if a bottle of wine is nearby, that's cool, too;-)

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