Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Always in bloom

Do you know what makes a lotus flower special? This says it better than I can...

In the East, the lotus flower is viewed as a symbol of spiritual unfoldment. The lotus has its roots in earthly mud, but as it grows upward in aspiration toward the light, its petals open out in a beautiful flower. Om Mani Padme Hum, meaning, "Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus" is the sacred mantra of the Tibetans.

I've mentioned the lotus before. The flower is able to take the worst of mud and become beautiful. If I may, I have done this much, and will continue to when the need arises. For others, and for myself. I can take grief and sorrow and sadness and turn it into light, water, wind. Nourishment for the soul. This is what I do.

The flower blooms beyond the muddy shackles.

I bloom everyday with possibilities. Though I sometimes struggle, I bloom past the mud.

Some people may be scared of the mud. But the mud is as life-giving as the water. I feel Iike I can turn mud into beauty.

I am always in bloom. I am grateful to be in this state, this place.

Thank you.

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