Sunday, September 9, 2007

Two parachutes

The social life in Brussels is such that, if the party you attend is lame, or your friend doesn't show, you have options. There are plenty of places to bend an elbow, catch a game, or contemplate good jazz over a gin & tonic. In other words, have a plan B. Know what your options are, and how and when to execute them.

This came to mind this morning while listening to a sports radio show. The host basically said if kids are playing sports, parents should encourage them to have two parachutes, because most kids drop sports at a young age. They need a fallback. We all do when that first chute doesn't work. We try to pack it the best way we can, but ropes get tangled. That reserve has to be ready to do its job. At all times, and at any time. Is your reserve ready?

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