Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Maiden voyage

In the Bible, Luke 5:4 says:

When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."

Deep water is not easy to wade into. You don't know the currents, the tides, where the sandbars are. But you study charts, ask knowledgeable watermen where danger lurks. You study more, ask more questions. And then, the day, the hour comes when whatever fears, worries, trepidations you have are cast aside. The quest for adventure overcomes the comfort of staying on the shore. You say, "I want to put my boat in the water, cast my nets, and see what I can catch." You don't know if you'll reel in guppies or whales. Or if the whale will reel you in. But you cast anyway...

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