Saturday, September 8, 2007

Knowing too much

This article is me. That little voice in my head knows too much, is too aware of what's going on. There are times when I wish I was oblivious to things, to events. Sometimes I wish I could get out of my way. When that little voice kicks in, I don't move forward. I sit still, trying not to wallow, trying not to spin my wheels. After awhile, I can move on. I just wish I could move along faster, let it just roll away and not care.

More great pointers from this article. Especially number five. Problems really are transitory. They can be solved. Yes, it's hard to fathom when they appear to be 100 feet tall. You only need to realize you are more than the situation you face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found my posts of value. Hope you all the best in your journey.