Friday, July 6, 2007

The best way

Robert Frost once said, "The best way out is always through." In life the adversity that we face is daunting. It's difficult to face head-on. The monsters, demons and dragons in the way are tall, ugly and soul-sapping. That's enough to not start out, or continue, the journey. Sometimes those dragons are of our own making. That hurts the most. Getting out of our own way to achieve the things and reach the places we want. There must be an art to it. It takes trial and error to figure out what works, and usually what works is those small habits. They don't seem to work in the beginning, because we expect a flash of lightning and crash of thunder to herald its arrival. Yet it comes like snowflakes, quietly and gradually changing the landscape. Unlike snow, the habits won't melt. But they will build and build, changing you inside and out. The journey will be hard. Days will come when you can't journey anymore. But when the day comes and the sun stares back at you, you'll be grateful for making it through.

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