Sunday, July 8, 2007

Riffin', part 1--kicking the tree

Not really a riff, but...

There's a TV commercial for Wendy's, where a bunch of people are mindlessly kicking trees, and one of them, a guy in a red ponytailed wig finally wises up and understands the futility of kicking. He rises up and leads the people out of the forest. Are corporate cube farms that forest, and are the cubes the trees? Why keep kicking when you know how futile and rote it is? Why are we scared of what happens when we stop? Why keep droning on? What else is out there? You have to be conscious of kicking the tree, and the futility of it. Then decide what you want, and despite the fears you may have about what happens when you stop, know something has to be better than mindlessly kicking a tree. Especially with a red wig and ponytails.

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